The U.S. Supreme Court recently weighed in on an issue regarding a provision of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) that has split two federal courts of appeal. Its 5-4 ruling in Bittner v. U.S. is welcome news for U.S. residents who “non-willfully” violate the law’s requirements for the reporting of certain foreign bank and financial accounts […]
Fair market value is the appropriate standard of value in most business valuation assignments. But when valuing an asset for financial reporting purposes, fair value is generally used. Here’s an overview of what fair value is and how it differs from fair market value. Eyes on GAAP The terms “fair value” and “fair market value” […]
You generally must pay federal tax on all income you receive but there are some exceptions when you can exclude it. For example, compensatory awards and judgments for “personal physical injuries or physical sickness” are free from federal income tax under the tax code. This includes amounts received in a lawsuit or a settlement and […]
If you made gifts last year you may be wondering if you need to file a gift tax return. The short answer: There are many situations when it’s necessary (or desirable) to file Form 709 — “United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return” — even if you’re not liable for any gift tax. Let’s […]
If you were told someone earns more than $200,000 annually, you might assume the person is a salaried employee who’s ineligible for overtime pay. However, as demonstrated in the recent U.S. Supreme Court case of Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. v. Hewitt, this isn’t always a safe assumption. The FLSA rules Under the Fair Labor […]
Late in 2022, the IRS released final regulations addressing extended deadlines for certain information-reporting requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The final regs generally apply to calendar years beginning after December 31, 2021. If your organization is an applicable large employer (ALE) under the ACA, or could be in the immediate years ahead, now’s a […]
Revenue Ruling 59-60 is a landmark piece of IRS guidance that outlines the factors to consider when estimating the fair market value of a private business. Here’s an overview of those factors, along with other hidden details found in the ruling’s fine print. 8-factor approach Revenue Ruling 59-60 says that business valuation is an inexact […]
If you’re getting ready to file your 2022 tax return, and your tax bill is higher than you’d like, there may still be an opportunity to lower it. If you’re eligible, you can make a deductible contribution to a traditional IRA right up until this year’s April 18 filing deadline and benefit from the tax […]
Once upon a time, there was the Internet. Relatively speaking, it was easy to understand. The Internet was (and is) a network on which any computer on the planet can communicate with other like-connected computers, enabling users to correspond and share files. But the Internet wasn’t (and isn’t) satisfied with only computers. It wanted to connect […]
If you’re a parent, you may be confused about the rules for claiming the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The rules and credit amounts have changed significantly over the last six years. This tax break became more generous in 2018 than it was under prior law — and it became even better in 2021 for eligible […]
It can be challenging to keep track of which accounting rules are changing, when the changes kick in and for which types of entities. Plus, implementing the necessary revisions to your organization’s procedures and systems often takes time and resources. Here are five updates that go live for certain entities this year. Targeted improvements for […]
The 2022 mid-term election has shifted the scales in Washington, D.C., with the Democrats no longer controlling both houses of Congress. While it remains to be seen if — and when — any tax-related legislation can muster the requisite bipartisan support, a review of certain provisions in existing laws may provide an indication of the […]