Employers: How “affordable” will your health benefits be in 2023?
August 26, 2022 Knowledge Center
Employers: How “affordable” will your health benefits be in 2023?

In Revenue Procedure 2022-34, the IRS recently announced an important indexing adjustment related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). That makes now a good time to review whether your organization is an applicable large employer (ALE) under the ACA and, if so, whether the health care coverage you offer employees will still be considered “affordable” […]

Avoid these 4 estate planning pitfalls
August 26, 2022 Knowledge Center
Avoid these 4 estate planning pitfalls

No one likes to contemplate his or her own mortality. But ignoring the need for an estate plan or procrastinating in the creation of one is asking for trouble. If you haven’t started the process, don’t delay any longer. For your estate plan to achieve your goals, avoid these four pitfalls: Pitfall #1: Failing to […]

Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective
August 25, 2022 Knowledge Center
Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective

If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably considered many different employee benefits. One option that might have crossed your desk is an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Strictly defined, an ESOP is considered a retirement plan for employees. But it can also play a role in succession planning by facilitating the transfer of […]

Cyber risks: A critical part of your auditor’s risk assessment
August 19, 2022 Knowledge Center
Cyber risks: A critical part of your auditor’s risk assessment

As businesses and not-for-profit entities increasingly rely on technology, cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated and aggressive. Auditors must factor these threats into their risk assessments. They can also help you draft cybersecurity disclosures and brainstorm ways to mitigate your risk of an attack. Increasing risks How much does a data breach cost? The average has […]

The Inflation Reduction Act includes wide-ranging tax provisions
August 16, 2022 Knowledge Center
The Inflation Reduction Act includes wide-ranging tax provisions

President Biden has just signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. The IRA includes significant provisions related to climate change, health care, and, of course, taxes. The IRA also addresses the federal budget deficit. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the IRA is projected to reduce the deficit by around $90 billion over […]

Is your withholding adequate? Here’s how to check
August 16, 2022 Knowledge Center
Is your withholding adequate? Here’s how to check

When you filed your federal tax return this year, were you surprised to find you owed money? You might want to change your withholding so that this doesn’t happen again next year. You might even want to adjust your withholding if you got a big refund. Receiving a tax refund essentially means you’re giving the […]

Final rule issued for pension plan assistance program
August 16, 2022 Knowledge Center
Final rule issued for pension plan assistance program

Defined-benefit retirement plans, commonly referred to as pensions, aren’t as popular as they used to be — and for good reason. Many such plans are underfunded and in danger of failure. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), a federal agency, recently published a final rule that sets forth requirements for special financial assistance applications, as […]

Making annual exclusion gifts can be a deceptively powerful estate planning strategy
August 12, 2022 Knowledge Center
Making annual exclusion gifts can be a deceptively powerful estate planning strategy

In 2022, for most people, it may seem like planning for gift and estate taxes is unnecessary because of the $12.06 million federal gift and estate tax exemption. But even if your net worth is only a fraction of the current exemption amount, there are good reasons to adopt strategies — such as making regular […]

How to account for collaborative agreements
August 12, 2022 Knowledge Center
How to account for collaborative agreements

Today, many companies share research or technology to develop new products. For example, manufacturers might enter into a joint venture to conduct scientific research to design a new medical device. Or a watchdog group might work with a production company to create and distribute a documentary film. How revenue and other payments between the parties […]

Provide employee parking? Here’s what the IRS wants to know
August 11, 2022 Knowledge Center
Provide employee parking? Here’s what the IRS wants to know

Many offices, plants and other business facilities are once again filled with real, live people. And those hard-working employees need somewhere to park. If your company provides parking as a fringe benefit — either on or near your premises or at a location from which employees commute — the IRS may take an interest in […]

When little things mean a lot: Estate planning for personal property
August 11, 2022 Knowledge Center
When little things mean a lot: Estate planning for personal property

Personal items — which may have modest monetary value but significant sentimental value — may be more difficult to address in an estate plan than big-ticket items. Squabbling over these items may lead to emotionally charged disputes and even litigation. In some cases, the legal fees and court costs can eclipse the monetary value of […]

Employer violated ERISA by terminating employee
August 9, 2022 Knowledge Center
Employer violated ERISA by terminating employee

Many employers offer health care plans and other benefits that fall under the purview of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). A recent federal court decision serves as a reminder that employers need to know their legal rights and limits regarding employee terminations and ERISA-protected benefits. Plaintiff’s argument In Kairys v. S. Pines Trucking, Inc., […]