If you’re charitably inclined and itemize deductions, you may be entitled to deduct charitable donations. The key word is “may” because there are requirements you must meet. One such requirement is the need to substantiate charitable gifts with proper documentation that will satisfy the IRS. Indeed, a charitable gift may be legitimate, but if the taxpayer fails to […]
As the end of the year draws near, savvy taxpayers look for ways to reduce their tax bills. This year, the sense of urgency is higher for many because of some critical factors. Indeed, many of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions are set to expire at the end of 2025, absent congressional action. […]
The pretax (accounting) profit that’s reported on your company’s income statement is an important metric. Lenders, investors and other stakeholders rely on pretax profits to evaluate a company’s financial performance. However, business owners also need to keep their eyes on taxable income to optimize tax outcomes and manage cash flow effectively. Here’s an overview of how these profitability metrics differ. Crunching the […]
The IRS has issued its 2025 inflation-adjusted contribution amounts for retirement plans in Notice 2024-80. Many retirement-plan-related limits will increase for 2025 — but less than in prior years. Thus, depending on the type of plan you have, you may have limited opportunities to increase your retirement savings. Type of limitation 2024 limit 2025 limit Elective […]
One of the golden rules of estate planning is to revisit your plan after a significant life event. Such an event may be getting married, having a child, going through a divorce or getting remarried. If you’re taking a second trip down the aisle, you may have different expectations than when you married the first […]
It’s critical for business owners and managers to understand how to present contingent liabilities accurately in the financial statements. Under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), some contingent losses may be reported on the balance sheet and income statement, while others are only disclosed in the footnotes. Here’s an overview of the rules for properly identifying, measuring and reporting […]
President-Elect Donald Trump will return to the White House in 2025 — a year that already was expected to see significant activity on the federal tax front. A projected unified GOP Congress is poised to help him notch early legislative tax victories. (Republicans have won back a majority in the U.S. Senate and are projected […]
As the end of the year approaches, many people start to think about their finances and tax strategies. One effective way to reduce potential estate taxes and show generosity to loved ones is by giving cash gifts before December 31. Under tax law, you can gift a certain amount each year without incurring gift taxes or […]
If you hold an interest in a business that’s closely held or family owned, a buy-sell agreement should be a component of your estate plan. The agreement provides for the orderly disposition of each owner’s interest after a “triggering event,” such as death, disability, divorce, termination of employment or withdrawal from the business. A buy-sell […]
The IRS has issued its 2025 inflation adjustment numbers for more than 60 tax provisions in Revenue Procedure 2024-40. Inflation has moderated somewhat this year over last, so many amounts will increase over 2024 but not as much as in the previous year. Take these 2025 numbers into account as you implement 2024 year-end tax planning […]
Let’s say you have an unincorporated sideline activity that you consider a business. Perhaps you offer photography services, create custom artwork or sell handmade items online. Will the IRS agree that your venture is a business, not a hobby? It’s an essential question for tax purposes. If the expenses from an activity exceed the revenues, […]
Time is running out to take advantage of the current federal gift and estate tax exemption ($13.61 million for 2024). Absent action from Congress, the amount will drop to an inflation-adjusted $5 million in 2026. One way to make the most of the current record-high exemption amount is to give substantial gifts to your loved ones, thus reducing the […]