Federal court rejects FTC’s noncompete agreement ban
August 30, 2024 Knowledge Center
Federal court rejects FTC’s noncompete agreement ban

In April 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approved a final rule prohibiting most noncompete agreements with employees. The ban was scheduled to take effect on September 4, 2024, but ran into multiple court challenges. Now the court in one of those cases has knocked down the rule, leaving its future uncertain. The FTC ban  The FTC’s […]

Filing a joint tax return for the year of a spouse’s death can be beneficial
August 29, 2024 Knowledge Center
Filing a joint tax return for the year of a spouse’s death can be beneficial

Surviving spouses are faced with many financial and tax-related decisions. One critical issue to consider is whether to file a joint or separate tax return for the year of the spouse’s death. Timing of the final tax return When a person dies, his or her personal representative (called an executor in some states) is responsible […]

Are you liable for two additional taxes on your income?
August 27, 2024 Knowledge Center
Are you liable for two additional taxes on your income?

Having a high income may mean you owe two extra taxes: the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) and a 0.9% additional Medicare tax on wage and self-employment income. Let’s take a look at these taxes and what they could mean for you. THE NIIT In addition to income tax, this tax applies on your […]

Assemble a comprehensive cybersecurity plan
August 9, 2024 Knowledge Center
Assemble a comprehensive cybersecurity plan

Regardless of their size, businesses rely heavily on technology. Although your network and computer-related tools are essential to function, they’re also a potential liability because they can offer cybercriminals access to your company. To protect against this complex and ever-evolving threat, businesses must deploy a comprehensive cybersecurity program. Your arsenal You should already have a […]

IRS issues final regulations on inherited IRAs
August 7, 2024 Knowledge Center
IRS issues final regulations on inherited IRAs

The IRS has published new regulations relevant to taxpayers subject to the “10-year rule” for required minimum distributions (RMDs) from inherited IRAs or other defined contribution plans. The final regs, which take effect in 2025, require many beneficiaries to take annual RMDs in the 10 years following the deceased’s death. SECURE Act ended stretch IRAs […]

Employers considering new 401(k) plans should review auto-enrollment rules
August 5, 2024 Knowledge Center
Employers considering new 401(k) plans should review auto-enrollment rules

Is your organization considering “taking the plunge” and sponsoring a 401(k) plan? If so, you’ll want to review the concept and rules regarding auto-enrollment — that is, automatically enrolling employees in the plan and letting them decide whether to opt out. This used to be a wholly strategic decision on the part of plan sponsors. […]

Public policy organization reports increase in restatements
July 30, 2024 Knowledge Center
Public policy organization reports increase in restatements

Accurate financial statements are essential to making informed business decisions. So, managers and other stakeholders may express concern when a company restates its financial results. Before jumping to premature conclusions, however, it’s important to dig deeper to evaluate what happened. Uptick in restatements  In June 2024, the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) reported a recent […]

Financial statements of many employer-sponsored benefit plans must be audited
July 24, 2024 Knowledge Center
Financial statements of many employer-sponsored benefit plans must be audited

The term “audit” is most commonly associated with tax returns, but it has other applications as well. One type of audit that many employers must familiarize themselves with applies to the financial statements associated with the health care and retirement plans they sponsor. Enter the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Under this law, the […]

What are AUP engagements — and does your business need one?
July 22, 2024 Knowledge Center
What are AUP engagements — and does your business need one?

In certain circumstances, businesses may need to hire CPAs to perform agreed-upon procedures (AUPs) instead of (or in addition to) a review or an audit. AUPs are a type of attestation engagement “in which a practitioner performs specific procedures on subject matter and reports the findings without providing an opinion or conclusion,” according to the […]

Why auditors monitor journal entries
July 18, 2024 Knowledge Center
Why auditors monitor journal entries

With a median loss of $766,000, financial misstatement schemes are the costliest type of fraud, according to “Occupational Fraud 2024: A Report to the Nations,” a study published by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Fortunately, auditors and forensic accountants may be able to detect financial statement fraud by testing journal entries for errors and […]

Watch out for tax misinformation on social media
July 16, 2024 Knowledge Center
Watch out for tax misinformation on social media

Social media gets blamed for a lot these days — sometimes for good reason. Recently, the IRS issued a warning to individual and business taxpayers to beware of false claims about various federal tax breaks that appear on social media platforms. The common denominator of such claims is that they involve legitimate tax provisions for […]

Could a cash balance retirement plan suit your organization?
July 10, 2024 Knowledge Center
Could a cash balance retirement plan suit your organization?

When an employer is ready to sponsor a new qualified retirement plan for its employees, it will have many options to choose from. Although “401(k)” may be the first thing that comes to mind, some lesser-known plan types could suit the needs of some organizations under certain circumstances. One example is a cash balance plan. […]