Forecasting financial results for a start-up business
August 7, 2020 Knowledge Center
Forecasting financial results for a start-up business

There’s a bright side to today’s unprecedented market conditions: Agile people may discover opportunities to start new business ventures. Start-ups need a comprehensive business plan, including detailed financial forecasts, to drum up capital from investors and lenders. Entrepreneurs may also use forecasts as yardsticks for evaluating and improving performance over time. However, forecasting can be […]

Strengthen your supply chain with constant risk awareness
August 7, 2020 COVID-19
Strengthen your supply chain with constant risk awareness

When the COVID-19 crisis exploded in March, among the many concerns was the state of the nation’s supply chains. Business owners are no strangers to such worry. It’s long been known that, if too much of a company’s supply chain is concentrated (that is, dependent) on one thing, that business is in danger. The pandemic […]

IRS relief available for midyear contribution changes to safe harbor 401(k)s
August 6, 2020 COVID-19
IRS relief available for midyear contribution changes to safe harbor 401(k)s

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the IRS recently issued Notice 2020-52. It offers sponsors of safe harbor 401(k) plans with temporary relief from certain requirements applicable to midyear reductions or suspensions of contributions. The guidance also clarifies the requirements for midyear contribution reductions (during or after the pandemic) that affect only highly compensated employees (HCEs) […]

5 ways to protect your investment accounts from fraud
August 6, 2020 Knowledge Center
5 ways to protect your investment accounts from fraud

Because the average investment account boasts a much larger balance than a typical checking or savings account, cybercriminals are particularly interested in hacking them. Financial institutions are largely responsible for ensuring the security of these accounts, but business customers and consumers also should adopt defensive measures. Here are five recommendations. Select two-step authentication. Most financial service […]

Communicate carefully about compensation during the pandemic
August 4, 2020 Knowledge Center
Communicate carefully about compensation during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic fallout have spurred layoffs and furloughs for many employers. As the months pass, organizations that have retained employees face another dilemma: How should we handle compensation changes? Pay raises have been out of the question for some organizations. In fact, more than 25% of employers surveyed in June by […]

Form W-2 reporting of COVID-19-related sick leave and family leave
August 3, 2020 COVID-19
Form W-2 reporting of COVID-19-related sick leave and family leave

In Notice 2020-54, the IRS recently provided guidance to employers on Form W-2 reporting of qualified sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages. These are the wages paid to employees under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The guidance requires employers to report the amount of qualified sick leave wages and qualified family leave wages paid […]

External audits offer many benefits to nonprofits
August 3, 2020 Knowledge Center
External audits offer many benefits to nonprofits

Your nonprofit organization may be required to hire an independent outside CPA to audit its books, depending on its annual gross receipts and other factors. Even when external audits aren’t mandated, however, they’re often recommended. These audits can provide assurance to donors and other stakeholders that your organization is operating with integrity and within acceptable […]

Financial reporting for nonprofits that have teamed up
July 30, 2020 Knowledge Center
Financial reporting for nonprofits that have teamed up

Not-for-profits sometimes team up with other entities to boost efficiency, save money and better serve both organizations’ constituencies. This can be a smart move — so long as your accounting staff knows how to report the activities of the two organizations. How you handle reporting depends on the nature of your new relationship. Collaborative arrangements […]

Avoid “bad blood” among family members: Protect your will from legal challenges
July 30, 2020 Knowledge Center
Avoid “bad blood” among family members: Protect your will from legal challenges

You’ve probably seen it in the movies or on TV: A close-knit family gathers to find out what’s contained in the will of a wealthy patriarch or matriarch. When the terms are revealed, a niece, for example, benefits at the expense her uncle, causing a ruckus. This “bad blood” continues to boil between estranged family […]

Organized crime has adapted just fine to COVID-19
July 28, 2020 COVID-19
Organized crime has adapted just fine to COVID-19

Unlike some legitimate businesses, organized crime enterprises can be expected to weather the current COVID-19 crisis. In fact, with millions of Americans now working from home, organized crime-related cyber fraud — including phishing schemes and ransomware attacks — has grown exponentially. If you haven’t done so recently, it’s important to review and possibly upgrade your […]

Zeros and ones: Estate planning for your digital assets and accounts
July 28, 2020 Knowledge Center
Zeros and ones: Estate planning for your digital assets and accounts

Nearly everyone owns at least some digital assets, such as online bank and brokerage accounts, bill-paying services, cloud-based document storage, digital music collections, social media accounts, and domain names. But what happens to these assets when you die or if you become incapacitated? The answer depends on several factors, including the terms of your service […]

Main Street Lending Program open to nonprofit applicants
July 24, 2020 COVID-19
Main Street Lending Program open to nonprofit applicants

Recently, the Federal Reserve announced that not-for-profit organizations may also apply for loans under the $600 billion Main Street Lending Program. Previously open only to for-profit businesses with more than 100 employees, the program offers low-interest loans with relatively relaxed repayment terms. If your organization needs funding to keep operating during this difficult period, a […]