To find new revenue opportunities, think like an auditor
July 24, 2020 Knowledge Center
To find new revenue opportunities, think like an auditor

Want to increase your not-for-profit’s revenue? First try analyzing current income as a professional auditor might. Then, you can apply your conclusions to setting annual goals, preparing your budget and managing other aspects of your organization. Compare contributions Compare the donation dollars raised inpast years to pinpoint trends. For example, have individual contributions been increasing […]

Why you don’t need high-tech tools to find fraud
July 23, 2020 Knowledge Center
Why you don’t need high-tech tools to find fraud

New technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, increasingly are being applied to the old problem of occupational fraud. But in most circumstances, common accounting tools — “variance analysis” and “contribution margin” — remain effective in uncovering possible evidence of theft. Gaps and absences After your organization finalizes its annual budget, you may perform a […]

Family matters: Estate planning considerations if you have adopted children or unadopted stepchildren
July 23, 2020 Knowledge Center
Family matters: Estate planning considerations if you have adopted children or unadopted stepchildren

If you have adopted children or unadopted stepchildren, estate planning is critical to ensure that your property is distributed the way you desire. Adopted children Adopted children are placed on an equal footing with biological children in most situations for estate planning purposes. Thus, adopted and biological children are treated the same way under a […]

Reporting embedded leases
July 21, 2020 Knowledge Center
Reporting embedded leases

In 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) published guidance that requires major changes to how leases are reported on financial statements. One area of the guidance that’s especially complicated relates to “embedded” leases. Updated guidance Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), requires organizations to report on the balance sheet the assets and liabilities associated […]

6 key IT questions to ask in the new normal
July 17, 2020 Knowledge Center
6 key IT questions to ask in the new normal

The sudden shutdown of the economy in March because of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to rely more heavily on technology. Some companies fared better than others. Many businesses that had been taking an informal approach to IT strategy discovered their systems weren’t as robust and scalable as they’d hoped. Some may have lost […]

Conduct a “paycheck checkup” to make sure your withholding is adequate
July 17, 2020 Knowledge Center
Conduct a “paycheck checkup” to make sure your withholding is adequate

Did you recently file your federal tax return and were surprised to find you owed money? You might want to change your withholding so that this doesn’t happen next year. You might even want to do that if you got a big refund. Receiving a tax refund essentially means you’re giving the government an interest-free […]

Skimming may sound small, but losses can be significant
July 16, 2020 Knowledge Center
Skimming may sound small, but losses can be significant

Skimming isn’t the biggest fraud threat for most businesses. The theft of cash receipts represents only 11% of asset appropriation schemes, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ 2020 Report to the Nations. But with a median loss of $47,000, your business will likely feel the pain if it becomes a victim of skimming. […]

A win-win proposition: A CRT can benefit you and your favorite charity
July 16, 2020 Knowledge Center
A win-win proposition: A CRT can benefit you and your favorite charity

Are you a multitasker? If so, you may appreciate an estate planning technique that can convert assets into a stream of lifetime income, provide a current tax deduction and leave the remainder to your favorite charity — all in one fell swoop. It’s the aptly named charitable remainder trust (CRT). A CRT in action You […]

IRS guidance on “coronavirus-related” retirement plan distributions
July 15, 2020 COVID-19
IRS guidance on “coronavirus-related” retirement plan distributions

In Notice 2020-50, the IRS recently provided guidance on “coronavirus-related distributions” from retirement plans under Section 2202 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Here are some pertinent details for employers. Pension plans The Notice points out that Sec. 2202 doesn’t change the rules for when plan distributions are permitted to be made from employer […]

After you file your tax return: 3 issues to consider
July 14, 2020 Knowledge Center
After you file your tax return: 3 issues to consider

After your 2019 tax return has been successfully filed with the IRS, there may still be some issues to bear in mind. Here are three considerations. 1. Some tax records can now be thrown away You should keep tax records related to your federal return for as long as the IRS can audit your return […]

Establishing your company’s risk appetite
July 14, 2020 Knowledge Center
Establishing your company’s risk appetite

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) recently published new guidance on how companies can promote “risk appetite” as part of decision-making. It’s especially relevant in today’s uncertain marketplace. Digesting the new guidance The COSO guidance, “Risk Appetite — Critical to Success: Using Risk Appetite to Thrive in a Changing Word,” explains […]

Regaining your tax-exempt status if you failed to file Form 990s
July 13, 2020 Knowledge Center
Regaining your tax-exempt status if you failed to file Form 990s

There are many ways for a not-for-profit organization to lose its tax-exempt status — including participating in lobbying and campaign activities, receiving excessive unrelated business income and allowing board members to financially benefit from their positions. But the most common reason nonprofits lose their status is failure to file an annual Form 990 or 990-N […]