Reminder: California’s 2023 tax season deadline extended
April 11, 2023 Knowledge Center
Reminder: California’s 2023 tax season deadline extended

Have you started filing your taxes yet? Coming on the heels of inclement weather in January (winter storms, flooding, landslides, mudslides, etc.)., the state of California, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the IRS agreed to offer filing extensions to those who qualify within the state and specifically within the Los Angeles, San Diego, […]

The current standard for approving 401(k) hardship distributions
April 7, 2023 Knowledge Center
The current standard for approving 401(k) hardship distributions

Employers that offer a 401(k) plan should generally encourage participants to invest as much as they can and not touch the money until retirement. However, there may be instances when employees feel they need to access their plan funds before reaching retirement age. In some of those cases, participants may qualify for a 401(k) hardship […]

Should you move your trust to another state?
April 4, 2023 Knowledge Center
Should you move your trust to another state?

There are several reasons why you may want to move a trust to a more favorable jurisdiction. For instance, to avoid or reduce state income tax on the trust’s accumulated ordinary income or capital gains. However, before doing so, it’s critical to understand the risks. Revocable trust vs. irrevocable trust Many people retire to states […]

Plan carefully to avoid GST tax surprises
March 31, 2023 Knowledge Center
Plan carefully to avoid GST tax surprises

If you want to share some of your wealth with your grandchildren or great grandchildren — or if your estate plan is likely to benefit these generations — it’s critical to consider and plan for the generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax. Designed to ensure that wealth is taxed at each generational level, the GST tax is […]

Going green could save greenbacks and more
March 30, 2023 Knowledge Center
Going green could save greenbacks and more

Nowadays many businesses are looking for creative ways to cut costs and preserve profits. As a bonus, some profit-enhancement initiatives can also be good for the environment. Here are some eco-friendly moves that may enable your business to cut costs — as well as build revenue and long-term value. Cost-cutting measures The most obvious way […]

7 questions to ask about a business valuation report
March 28, 2023 Knowledge Center
7 questions to ask about a business valuation report

Business valuation experts will usually provide formal written reports that explain how they arrived at their conclusions. Asking seven questions can help you determine whether an expert’s report is comprehensive and on-point. 1. Did the expert properly define the engagement? Most valuation reports start with a detailed description of the assignment. Beyond the name of […]

ACA penalties will rise in 2024
March 24, 2023 Knowledge Center
ACA penalties will rise in 2024

Recently, the IRS announced 2024 indexing adjustments to the applicable dollar amount used to calculate employer shared responsibility penalties under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Although next year might seem a long way off, it’s best to get an early start on determining whether your business is an applicable large employer (ALE) under the ACA. If […]

Two important tax deadlines are coming up — and they don’t involve filing your 2022 tax return
March 23, 2023 Knowledge Center
Two important tax deadlines are coming up — and they don’t involve filing your 2022 tax return

April 18 is the deadline for filing your 2022 tax return. But a couple of other tax deadlines are coming up in April and they’re important for certain taxpayers: Saturday, April 1 is the last day to begin receiving required minimum distributions (RMDs) from IRAs, 401(k)s and similar workplace plans for taxpayers who turned 72 […]

Enacting a spendthrift trust can be beneficial to your loved ones
March 23, 2023 Knowledge Center
Enacting a spendthrift trust can be beneficial to your loved ones

Are you concerned that some of your beneficiaries might squander their inheritances or simply aren’t equipped to handle the financial responsibilities that come with large sums of money? You don’t have to hold on to your assets until the day you die with the hope that your heirs will change their ways by that time. […]

Small employers: Don’t forget about the new and improved pension credit
March 21, 2023 Knowledge Center
Small employers: Don’t forget about the new and improved pension credit

At the very end of 2022, President Biden signed into law the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0). Now that the year is well underway, small employers would be well-advised not to forget about a key feature of the law: marked improvements to the small employer pension plan start-up cost […]

Miller Kaplan Named Top 100 Firm | Accounting Today
March 21, 2023 Knowledge Center
Miller Kaplan Named Top 100 Firm | Accounting Today

We are so honored to be recognized again as one of the #Top100CPA firms in the US. Our understanding that the numbers we crunch represent something greater—you, your family, your business, your dreams—is why we’re able to consistently provide industry-leading services that help our clients and the firm thrive.

President Biden’s proposed budget includes notable tax provisions
March 17, 2023 Knowledge Center
President Biden’s proposed budget includes notable tax provisions

President Biden has released his proposed budget for the federal government for the 2024 fiscal year. The budget, which aims to cut the deficit by nearly $3 trillion over 10 years, includes numerous provisions that would affect the tax bills of both individuals and businesses. While most of these proposals stand little chance of enactment with a Republican […]