Seniors may be able to write off Medicare premiums on their tax returns
July 12, 2021 Knowledge Center
Seniors may be able to write off Medicare premiums on their tax returns

Are you age 65 and older and have basic Medicare insurance? You may need to pay additional premiums to get the level of coverage you want. The premiums can be expensive, especially if you’re married and both you and your spouse are paying them. But there may be a bright side: You may qualify for […]

IRS extends administrative relief for 401(k) plans
July 9, 2021 Knowledge Center
IRS extends administrative relief for 401(k) plans

As mitigation measures related to COVID-19 ease, it will be interesting to see which practices and regulatory changes taken in response to the pandemic remain in place long-term. One of them might be relief from a sometimes-inconvenient requirement related to the administration of 401(k) plans. A virtual solution In IRS Notice 2021-40, the IRS recently […]

Auditing WIP
July 8, 2021 Knowledge Center
Auditing WIP

Many types of businesses — such as homebuilders and manufacturers — turn raw materials into finished products for customers. Production is a continuous process. So, any work that’s been started but isn’t yet completed before the end of the accounting period is reported as work in progress (WIP) under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). […]

Are you a nonworking spouse? You may still be able to contribute to an IRA
July 7, 2021 Knowledge Center
Are you a nonworking spouse? You may still be able to contribute to an IRA

Married couples may not be able to save as much as they need for retirement when one spouse doesn’t work outside the home — perhaps so that spouse can take care of children or elderly parents. In general, an IRA contribution is allowed only if a taxpayer earns compensation. However, there’s an exception involving a […]

Follow the cutoff rules for revenue and expenses
July 6, 2021 Knowledge Center
Follow the cutoff rules for revenue and expenses

Timing counts in financial reporting. Under the accrual method of accounting, the end of the accounting period serves as a strict “cutoff” for recognizing revenue and expenses. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, managers may be tempted to show earnings or reduce losses. As a result, they may extend revenue cutoffs beyond the end of the […]

Members of the sandwich generation find themselves in a unique situation
July 2, 2021 Knowledge Center
Members of the sandwich generation find themselves in a unique situation

The “sandwich generation” is a large segment of the population. These are people who find themselves caring for both their children and their parents at the same time. As a result, estate planning — which traditionally focuses on providing for one’s children — has expanded in many cases to include one’s aging parents as well. […]

Don’t let fraud ruin your restaurant’s reopening
July 1, 2021 Knowledge Center
Don’t let fraud ruin your restaurant’s reopening

Most restaurants are finally reopening to in-person dining. And while you may now be thinking about luring customers back, hiring enough workers and managing supply-chain shortages, one issue has remained the same: fraud. Restaurants often face fraud threats from employees, customers and vendors. So now isn’t the time to drop your guard. Potential risks Your […]

Here come the child tax credit payments: What you need to know
June 30, 2021 Knowledge Center
Here come the child tax credit payments: What you need to know

The first advance payments under the temporarily expanded child tax credit (CTC) will begin to arrive for nearly 39 million households in mid-July 2021 — unless, that is, they opt out. Most eligible families won’t need to do anything to receive the payments, but you need to understand the implications and why advance payments might […]

Tax-favored ways to build up a college fund
June 28, 2021 Knowledge Center
Tax-favored ways to build up a college fund

If you’re a parent, you may be concerned about being able to fund future college tuition and other higher education costs. You want to take maximum advantage of tax benefits to minimize your expenses. Here are some possible options. Savings bonds Series EE U.S. savings bonds offer two tax-saving opportunities for eligible families when used […]

Using an HRA as an investment and savings vehicle
June 21, 2021 Knowledge Center
Using an HRA as an investment and savings vehicle

Many employers have established Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) as a tax-advantaged way to allow employees to receive reimbursements for out-of-pocket medical expenses. What’s often overlooked is that, under certain circumstances, HRAs can function as an investment and savings vehicle. Let’s say an employer establishes an HRA for employees who elect the high-deductible health coverage option […]

Don’t assume your profitable company has strong cash flow
June 18, 2021 Knowledge Center
Don’t assume your profitable company has strong cash flow

Most of us are taught from a young age never to assume anything. Why? Well, because when you assume, you make an … you probably know how the rest of the expression goes. A dangerous assumption that many business owners make is that, if their companies are profitable, their cash flow must also be strong. […]

Accounting methods: Private companies have options
June 18, 2021 Knowledge Center
Accounting methods: Private companies have options

Businesses need financial information that’s accurate, relevant and timely. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires publicly traded companies to follow U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), often considered the “gold standard” in financial reporting in the United States. But privately held companies can use simplified alternative accounting methods. What’s right for your business depends on […]