A three-step strategy to save tax when selling appreciated vacant land
June 6, 2024 Knowledge Center
A three-step strategy to save tax when selling appreciated vacant land

Let’s say you own one or more vacant lots. The property has appreciated greatly and you’re ready to sell. Or maybe you have a parcel of appreciated land that you want to subdivide into lots, develop them and sell them off for a big profit. Either way, you’ll incur a tax bill. For purposes of […]

DOL issues guidance on how employers should handle AI
May 31, 2024 Knowledge Center
DOL issues guidance on how employers should handle AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to integrate itself into many workplaces, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has been busy addressing the technology’s many implications. In fact, the agency recently issued two sets of guidance that employers should be aware of. One discusses the legal compliance impact of AI, and the other suggests best practices […]

It’s almost time for a midyear checkup on your company’s financial health
May 28, 2024 Knowledge Center
It’s almost time for a midyear checkup on your company’s financial health

Interim financial reporting is essential to running a successful business. When reviewing midyear financial reports, however, you should recognize their potential shortcomings. These reports might not be as reliable as year-end financials, unless a CPA prepares them or performs agreed-upon procedures on specific accounts. Realize the diagnostic benefits Monthly, quarterly and midyear financial reports can […]

Conservation easements are under IRS scrutiny
May 24, 2024 Knowledge Center
Conservation easements are under IRS scrutiny

For many years, conservation easements have been a powerful estate planning tool that enable taxpayers to receive income and estate tax benefits while continuing to own and enjoy the properties. So it’s no surprise that the IRS has been scrutinizing easements to ensure they meet tax code requirements. The tax agency has even issued a […]

Businesses must face the reality of cyberattacks and continue fighting back
May 23, 2024 Knowledge Center
Businesses must face the reality of cyberattacks and continue fighting back

With each passing year, as networked technology becomes more and more integral to how companies do business, a simple yet grim reality comes further into focus: The cyberattacks will continue. In fact, many experts are now urging business owners and their leadership teams to view malicious cyberactivity as more of a certainty than a possibility. […]

Federal regulators expand overtime pay requirements, ban most noncompete agreements
May 14, 2024 Knowledge Center
Federal regulators expand overtime pay requirements, ban most noncompete agreements

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a new final rule regarding the salary threshold for determining whether employees are exempt from federal overtime pay requirements. The threshold is slated to jump 65% from its current level by 2025 and is expected to make four million additional workers eligible for overtime pay. On the same […]

Pay attention to the tax rules if you turn a hobby into a business
May 10, 2024 Knowledge Center
Pay attention to the tax rules if you turn a hobby into a business

Many people dream of turning a hobby into a regular business. Perhaps you enjoy boating and would like to open a charter fishing business. Or maybe you’d like to turn your sewing or photography skills into an income-producing business. You probably won’t have any tax headaches if your new business is profitable over a certain […]

IRS to employers: Only medical expenses qualify for tax-advantaged accounts
May 7, 2024 Knowledge Center
IRS to employers: Only medical expenses qualify for tax-advantaged accounts

Tax-advantaged accounts or reimbursement arrangements for health care have become popular employer-sponsored benefits. And for good reason — these accounts or arrangements ease the burden of high costs on organizations while giving employees a tax-friendly way to manage medical expenses. The IRS, however, has concerns. The tax agency recently issued a news release (IR-2024-65) warning […]

Watch out for “income in respect of a decedent” issues when receiving an inheritance
May 2, 2024 Knowledge Center
Watch out for “income in respect of a decedent” issues when receiving an inheritance

Most people are genuinely appreciative of inheritances, and who wouldn’t enjoy some unexpected money? But in some cases, it may turn out to be too good to be true. While most inherited property is tax-free to the recipient, this isn’t always the case with property that’s considered income in respect of a decedent (IRD). If […]

IRS extends relief for inherited IRAs
April 30, 2024 Knowledge Center
IRS extends relief for inherited IRAs

For the third consecutive year, the IRS has published guidance that offers some relief to taxpayers covered by the “10-year rule” for required minimum distributions (RMDs) from inherited IRAs or other defined contribution plans. But the IRS also indicated in Notice 2024-35 that forthcoming final regulations for the rule will apply for the purposes of determining […]

Can a split annuity strategy help you achieve a balance in retirement? 
April 26, 2024 Knowledge Center
Can a split annuity strategy help you achieve a balance in retirement? 

You may be currently facing this dilemma: You’ve retired (or you’re approaching retirement) and, while you want to maintain your current standard of living, you also want to preserve as much of your wealth as possible for your family. This balance can be difficult to achieve, especially when your retirement can last decades. One strategy […]

Charity scams: A small business perspective
April 25, 2024 Knowledge Center
Charity scams: A small business perspective

Many businesses support their communities by donating to local charities. Although there are plenty of nonprofits that deserve your support, some exist solely to facilitate fraud. How can you avoid the latter? Familiarize yourself with the deceptive tactics scammers use and carefully screen charities for legitimacy — before you write a check. Branding tricks Fraud […]