Paycheck Protection Program  |  CARES Act
April 2, 2020 COVID-19
Paycheck Protection Program | CARES Act

4/28/2020 Update: President Trump signed into law a new relief package, COVID 3.5, that includes an additional $320 billion in funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, $60 billion of which is reserved for community banks and small lenders. Learn more about COVID 3.5.   The Treasury Department recently released the application form for small businesses […]

Get smart when tackling estate planning for intellectual property
April 1, 2020 Knowledge Center
Get smart when tackling estate planning for intellectual property

If you’ve invented something during your lifetime and had it patented, your estate includes intellectual property (IP). The same goes for any copyrighted works. These assets can hold substantial value, and, thus, must be addressed by your estate plan. However, bear in mind that these assets are generally treated differently than other types of property. […]

Michael Kaplan Named One of Billboard’s 2020 Top Business Managers
March 30, 2020 In the News
Michael Kaplan Named One of Billboard’s 2020 Top Business Managers

Congratulations, Michael Kaplan, on this well-deserved recognition in Billboard.

CARES Act is signed into law
March 27, 2020 COVID-19
CARES Act is signed into law

4/28/2020 Update: A new $484 billion relief package, COVID 3.5, includes an additional $75 billion for hospitals, $25 billion to support testing efforts, $60 billion for emergency disaster loans and grants, and $320 billion in funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (which was established in the CARES Act) – $60 billion of which is reserved […]

Employee leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
March 27, 2020 COVID-19
Employee leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Congress passed and the president signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act on March 18. The law allows employees time to care for themselves or loved ones and includes provisions for new tax credits to offset employers’ costs. But the immediate need to pay employees on leave may still be difficult for organizations struggling […]

Encourage your organization’s supervisors to regularly provide feedback
March 26, 2020 Knowledge Center
Encourage your organization’s supervisors to regularly provide feedback

Among the most common reasons employees perform below par is they don’t know precisely what they’re doing wrong. Whether dealing with an entry-level employee or a top manager, supervisors need to provide regular and specific feedback to maintain a productive workplace. Effective feedback comes often and as quickly as possible. Frontline supervisors should be trained […]

What COVID-19 legislation means for nonprofits and their staffers
March 25, 2020 COVID-19
What COVID-19 legislation means for nonprofits and their staffers

Whether your not-for-profit is newly deluged with demand for services or you’ve closed doors temporarily, it’s important to keep up with legislation responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. On March 18, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law to provide American workers affected by the pandemic with extended sick and family leave […]

Individuals get coronavirus (COVID-19) tax and other relief
March 25, 2020 COVID-19
Individuals get coronavirus (COVID-19) tax and other relief

Taxpayers now have more time to file their tax returns and pay any tax owed because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Treasury Department and IRS announced that the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Taxpayers can also defer making federal income tax payments, […]

SBA offering loans to small businesses hit hard by COVID-19
March 24, 2020 COVID-19
SBA offering loans to small businesses hit hard by COVID-19

Every company has faced unprecedented challenges in adjusting to life following the widespread outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Small businesses face particular difficulties in that, by definition, their resources — human, capital and otherwise — are limited. If this describes your company, one place you can look to for some assistance is the Small Business […]

Why you should keep life insurance out of your estate
March 24, 2020 Knowledge Center
Why you should keep life insurance out of your estate

If you have a life insurance policy, you probably want to make sure that the life insurance benefits your family will receive after your death won’t be included in your estate. That way, the benefits won’t be subject to the federal estate tax. Under the estate tax rules, life insurance will be included in your […]

Auditing Revenue
March 24, 2020 Knowledge Center
Auditing Revenue

Traditionally, audit procedures for private companies tend to focus on the balance sheet. That is, auditors evaluate whether the book values of the company’s assets are overstated and its liabilities are understated. However, the income statement needs attention, too, especially in light of the updated guidance on recognizing revenue from contracts and the potential for misstatement. New […]

Fraudsters are using COVID-19 to swindle Americans
March 23, 2020 COVID-19
Fraudsters are using COVID-19 to swindle Americans

As governments around the globe mobilize to defend their populations from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), criminals are also mobilizing — to defraud people. These opportunists have already found ways to use the fear and chaos associated with the pandemic to enrich themselves. But you can protect yourself and your business. Ripe opportunity Phishing emails that […]