Miller Kaplan, a top 100 certified public accounting firm, is pleased to announce that two partners, Julia Damasco and Nicholas Sanchez, and one Senior Manager, Qiva Dinuri, were recently appointed to committees within the California Lawyers Association (CLA).

Julia Mandeville Damasco, J.D., LL.M. in Taxation, was appointed to the Executive Committee for the Tax Section of the CLA, effective October 12, 2019. In this role, Julia will help make invaluable connections and contribute to exceptional continuing education, while serving as a leader in the profession for the state of California. Julia also serves as Chair for the NAFER IRS Liaison Committee and is a member of the board of directors for the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.

Nicholas Sanchez, J.D., LL.M. in Taxation was appointed to serve as the Vice Chair of the Tax Procedure and Litigation Standing Committee, effective October 9, 2019. Nicholas and the committee will reestablish their quarterly publication, provide CLE for its members, and lead the forum for the California Tax Bar to collaborate on tax procedure and litigation issues relevant to the membership. The committee will aim to become the voice of the membership by engaging with tax agencies on behalf of members with the goal of efficient and global outreach and solutions.

Qiva Dinuri, J.D., LL.M. in Taxation was appointed to serve on the International Tax Subcommittee, effective October 4, 2019. Qiva will be responsible for handling submissions for the “Visiting the Committees” section of the California Tax Lawyer (the official publication for the tax section); this section will describe the committee’s activities and provide items of interest.

Each of these esteemed attorneys will be attending the CLA’s Tax Policy Conference November 6th through the 8th in San Diego. The conference also offers CPE to CPAs. To learn more or register for the event, please go to

About California Lawyers Association

Established in 2018, California Lawyers Association (CLA) is the bar association for all California attorneys. CLA’s mission is to promote excellence, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and fairness in the administration of justice and the rule of law. For additional information, visit