Protecting your assets and ensuring accurate royalty reporting.
Licensing assets, such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property (IP), has become a dominant source of revenue for many businesses – requiring periodic reviews to verify that licensees adhere to contractual terms and licensors receive timely, accurate payments.

Inaccurate reporting of licensing activity can lead to the loss of millions of dollars in royalties. By implementing a proactive monitoring strategy, including the performance of royalty audits, IP owners can increase transparency for all licensing program activity, receive more timely and accurate reporting, and increase licensing profits. Our audit program includes robust planning, appropriate management supervision, and efficient staffing.

Counterfeiting costs owners and manufacturers of trademarked and protected goods millions each year in financial losses and irrevocable brand damage. To address this risk, we provide customs enforcement services – a unique offering from a certified public accounting firm.
We review contractual provisions prior to the execution of a licensing agreement and offer expert advice and guidance regarding the financial aspects of the agreement. Our financial perspective during negotiations considers the objectives of the licensing program, agreement provisions, due diligence procedures, internal controls, and monitoring structures to strengthen the accuracy of a licensee’s royalty reporting.
We can manage the licensees’ reporting and the processing of royalty reports and payments through an online proprietary portal.